That's right, I am a fan of the most successful TV show today and after receiving a signed poster with dedication and everything from one of the main actors from the show, I love it even more! THANK YOU FOR THE CONNECTION ERNIE, Josh Holloway is Sawyer (The cool bad guy), and he dedicated the poster to THE FLAMINGO ROAD CHURCH WORSHIP TEAM!!!! Read it your self!

MagTeam Web Design

Today I spent the entire day working on the new look for the MagTeam Blog (Mag stands for the Magnification Team at Flamingo Road Church which covers the Praise and Worship, Communications, Media, Videos and technical teams) . Since I don't work for Apple I can actually reveal products that have not been launched yet. Take a look at the screenshot and let me know what you think.

He Lives!

What an amazing experience we lived at Flamingo Road Church during Easter '08. Just wanted to share with you all a small segment of it. The choir was really really amazing! Every time I watch it it blows me away to see so many talented people God has brought to Flamingo Road Church so we can reach out our community in a very powerful way.